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South Kildare Update

Started by brenmurph, June 30, 2014, 11:23:26 AM

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This weekend we entered the Summer sessions finals in The Norseman in Temple bar. Winner was Eanna with a lemon Saison, second was Barkar with a another fruity effort and third place and another medal in our collection was ourselves with our tricky to brew passion fruit ale.
This brew took all we knew about brewing to get it good enough to deserve the awesome score of 98, which is our best to date. Both judges scored it 49.

Tasters are available as we have it on keg and bottle at the moment.

This is our best scoring beer ever and we are very proud of it after our careful brewing and planning. We also had our Beetroot lager in the final showdown, delighted with that and couldnt be happier with the outcome of this comp despite not winning it we see this acheivement as another result of being involved with the homebrew community.
Inspiration was from no one less than CARA (Declan). We were at Declans big brewday in Thurles a few weeks back and he handed me a glass of beer from one of his kegs, surprise surprise it stood out immensley and on enquiring he told me the standout ingredient, the hops....I went home with a bag of then and put them in a brew the next day  result a fabulous beer on BOTTLE CONDITION and a 98 scoring beer our best yet :) ;)

From here its onwards and upwards we are brewing furiously. Thanks to all the comp organisers, judges and delighted that we were beaten back into third place by another two great brews / brewers Barkar and Eanna for us its not the winning ( as most people who know us know) its the satisfaction of all things brewing and the competitive end of it now and then :)