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dead pony club extract clone

Started by DrowningManatee, March 28, 2013, 06:20:25 PM

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found this recipe online, love the dead pony club.

its all grain but im thinking I can just replace the pale malt with 3kg light DME? and then still use the other specialty grains...

Only done one extract brew so im new to it, any pointers 'd be great, cheers dudes in advance :)

OG - 1.039
FG - 1.009
IBU - 26.8 (Brewdog say this beer is 25 IBU, but clearly there's loads more coming from the hopback and dry hops. I've tried to go the same route.)
EBC - 12
ABV - 3.9%
Yeast - US-05

Mash at 68c to keep some body in it:

3.5kg Pale Malt (87.5%)
0.4kg Caramalt (10%)
0.1kg Crystal (2.5%)

60 min boil:
20g Citra @ 15 mins
10g Simcoe @ 15 mins
20g Galaxy/Mosaic @ 5 mins
50g Citra - Hopback/aroma steep
35g Simcoe - Hopback/aroma steep
25g Galaxy/Mosaic - Hopback/aroma steep

Dry Hops:
50g Citra
35g Simcoe
25g Galaxy/Mosaic
Primary :
Grapefruit mead

Orange Blossom Mead
Blackberry Mead


I'll have to try that recipe, I wonder why would you bother with  a 60 minute boil if the first addition is at 15mins? I've done 15min only boils before and they work out fine.
...used to be NewBier

Hop Bomb

Hopback, dry hop & late hop additions dont add anything to the bitterness (IBU). They are all for aroma.

Boiling for 60 mins sterilizes the beer/wort + gets rid of all the proteins & tannins.
On tap: Flanders, Gose,
Fermenting: Oatmeal Brown, 200ish Fathoms,
Ageing: bretted 1890 export stout.
To brew:  2015 RIS, Kellerbier, Altbier.


im assuming the aroma steep means just adding the hops at flame out and letting them steep while it cools? dont have a hopback device, but wouldnt this do the same thing? or i was thinking I could put a hopsack filled with hops in a strainer and pour the wort through it into the fermenter, or would this be a waste o hops in terms of effectiveness?
Primary :
Grapefruit mead

Orange Blossom Mead
Blackberry Mead


ok Ive discovered this brewmate program so started fiddling the recipe trying to get a higher ABV

OG : 1.057
FG : 1.011
IBU : 25
SRM : 15
ABV : 6
Yeast : WLP001 (californian ale yeast)

Ingredients :
3kg light malt extract
700g candi sugar (clear)
200g candi sugar (dark)
caramalt 400g
crystal 15 (SRM)

Simcoe 20g (15min)
Citra 20g (15min)
Amarillo 20g (5min)
Simcoe 35g (flameout)
Citra 40g (flameout)
Amarillo 25g (flamout)
Simcoe 35g (dryhop)
Citra 40g (dryhop)
Amarillo 25g (dryhop)

im thinkin of adding the candi sugars after 2 days into the fermentation. Im aware that this will lower my OG in terms of working out pitchrate of the yeast.

Im using all leafhops and just using a strainer when pouring into the FV, and when pouring for the batch carbonation.

wont be ordering till next monday so will be a few weeks till I get this goin....

I used that ration of light and dark candi sugar just to get the SRM colour right

Im replacing galaxy hops with amarillo as I cant get galaxy at the mo.
Primary :
Grapefruit mead

Orange Blossom Mead
Blackberry Mead


also, does anyone know exactly why people dry hop in stages? Im assuming I can just add all the hops at once here?
Primary :
Grapefruit mead

Orange Blossom Mead
Blackberry Mead


Quotei was thinking I could put a hopsack filled with hops in a strainer and pour the wort through it into the fermenter, or would this be a waste o hops in terms of effectiveness?
Like making a pot of tea, you get more out of it by steeping than just passing water through.

Quotealso, does anyone know exactly why people dry hop in stages? Im assuming I can just add all the hops at once here?
The CO2 produced can scrub out some aroma, and some oils can stick to the yeast cells and drop out.
Most people seem to dryhop after 3-5 days, once the main bulk of fermentation is done. Or when transferring to secondary.
I used to do that, then I got lazy and started just banging the hops in loose on brewday. I don't notice the difference.
Leaf will float for about a week and eventually drop. Pellets drop faster.
In my opinion, it's all about convenience. Do whatever you're most comfortable with (provided it's clean)


The CO2 produced can scrub out some aroma, and some oils can stick to the yeast cells and drop out.
Most people seem to dryhop after 3-5 days, once the main bulk of fermentation is done. Or when transferring to secondary.
I used to do that, then I got lazy and started just banging the hops in loose on brewday. I don't notice the difference.
Leaf will float for about a week and eventually drop. Pellets drop faster.
In my opinion, it's all about convenience. Do whatever you're most comfortable with (provided it's clean)

I understand about sticking em in after yeast has dropped out, but if ya use a large amount o hops in dry hopping (and with different varieties), yer supposed to do it in stages, adding more each week, eg. with a triple IPA and stuff like that...     not sure about this but thats what i was readin, maybe too many different aromas at same time gets messy? I think this multiple hopping stuff is another factor in lengthening ferment time for these kindsa beer.

Just lookin for an excuse to try some o this wacky stuff anyway.
Primary :
Grapefruit mead

Orange Blossom Mead
Blackberry Mead


oh, and by the by, if you shake the fermenter a bit after dry hopping awhile, some o the hops will go back into suspension for gettin the most out of em.
Primary :
Grapefruit mead

Orange Blossom Mead
Blackberry Mead


QuoteJust lookin for an excuse to try some o this wacky stuff anyway.
Don't make excuses, make reasons.
Excuse : My hand slipped.
Reason : I want to try it in attempt to make better beer.


stuck this on week and a half ago, ramped up the recipe for 8 ABV. tasted it on transfer to secondary and was beautiful. will be bottling thursday.
Primary :
Grapefruit mead

Orange Blossom Mead
Blackberry Mead

Hop Bomb

8 abv! Its like dead pony club went on the lash. I kegged an IPA with same dry hop pairing a few weeks back, It lasted a fortnight. Delish!
On tap: Flanders, Gose,
Fermenting: Oatmeal Brown, 200ish Fathoms,
Ageing: bretted 1890 export stout.
To brew:  2015 RIS, Kellerbier, Altbier.


kicking mule gang :) im cat for keeping em awhile meself, tryin to start a routine of brewin every thursday: bottle, secondary, and brew, so its 2 week fermenting no matter what. sure im drinking me ginger/lemon lager right now, 4 days bottled, and the flavours haven't balanced out at all.... its sound though  ;D
Primary :
Grapefruit mead

Orange Blossom Mead
Blackberry Mead


Are the hop additions in leaf or pellet?


leaf. gutting the hopsack to get it out of the carboy was torture, wont use that again.

bottled it today, drinkin a bottle now that didnt fill completely, lovely! not as hoppy as id have liked, was expecting to be havin nasal fits but i think thats the high percentage (malt to compete with), came out at 7%, but lower than id hoped from using brewmate.

i suppose the hopsack thing was a terrible idea, and a waste of the dryhops.

Primary :
Grapefruit mead

Orange Blossom Mead
Blackberry Mead