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BrewCon 2019, 5th October 2019 - launch

Started by Kellie, June 13, 2019, 10:04:56 AM

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Quote from: DEMPSEY on October 10, 2019, 08:45:10 PM
What were the 2 yeasts at the brewcon.

There were several yeasts on the table when I had a look. A couple of Kveiks, Bubblegum and the the unnamed Bock yeast. I took a Ragnar Kveik.


I got Saturate, there was a great selection.


Hi everyone,
sorry for the mixup with the yeasts. We thought there was only 70 coming so brought 75 normal vials. When we figured out there was more coming someone had to pour another 20ish of the bock that morning,hence no labels etc.

It was meant to be one each but no one was manning the desk as I was giving the talk at the same time, so if anyone is disappointed. Drop me a mail philip@whclab.com



Would you be able to post some info on the bock strain.